Do you offer support over the phone?
Yes, we offer phone support Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MST. For messages left after hours, you will receive a follow up call the next business day.
We can be reached at (877) 515-8139.
How can I be endorsed by Proline?
Thank you for your support of Proline! We appreciate your enthusiasm but we are not currently looking to add any individuals or groups to our artist roster. Feel free to check back with us at a later date to see if this has changed. Thanks again for your support and we hope you enjoy your Proline products in the future.
How can I be setup as a dealer/distributor for Proline?
Thank you so much for your support of Proline. Currently we are exclusively distributed by Guitar Center Inc. and we are not looking to add any further dealers or distributors at this time. Please feel free to send us your information and we will reach out to you if this changes. Thanks again for your interest in Proline.
What is the recommended way to mount the FretRest Guitar Wall Hanger?
When mounting the FretRest Guitar Wall Hanger to your wall we recommend following these instructions:
- Make sure that you are driving the screws directly into wall studs for best results.
- If wall studs are absolutely not available, drill pilot holes, push the plastic wall anchors into the holes, and then drive the screws through the anchors. Avoid this if possible as the quality of the drywall may not offer the best mounting solution without a wall stud.
- The FretRest Guitar Wall Hanger can hold up to 10 lbs. We do not recommend trying to hang anything heavier using this hanger.
Not following these recommendations can lead to damage of your gear and/or your wall. Proline holds no liabilty for failed wall hangers and damaged gear due to poor mounting.
What is Prop 65?
The State of California has adopted what is referred to as “Proposition 65,” which is the “California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.” Any company that operates in California, sells products in California, or manufactures products that may be sold in or brought into California is subject to Proposition 65. Because our products are sold in California, Proposition 65 applies to us.
Proposition 65 requires warning labels on any product that may contain any of 770-plus elements that the California Environmental Protection Agency considers a carcinogen or a reproductive toxicant. These elements include lead (sometimes contained in the solder used to attach electronic parts to the printed circuit boards), brass, PVC and a multitude of other everyday elements. The list of elements changes often, making it difficult to keep track of the changing list of elements.
There are penalties for not complying with Proposition 65. Failure to label products may result in civil penalties. If a company’s product is sold or is purchased outside the State of California and brought into California, the company may still be found in violation.
Various trade organizations have issued notices to manufacturers warning of Proposition 65 and its implications. Included in the warnings were suggested methods of protection from Proposition 65 litigation and violations. Protection requires warning consumers about the possibility of dangers from products. A warning label such as the one we use is considered to comply with warning consumers.
We are providing warnings in an excess of caution and they should not be taken as an admission that a warning is required. The label does not necessarily indicate our products will cause you to contract cancer or reproductive harm if used as designed.
For more information about Proposition 65 visit the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and for a list of elements listed under Proposition 65 visit: